Our New Warning Concerning Infant Usage
The dangers of drinking milk and related dairy products have
been heavily documented. (See technical papers on the
NotMilk web site;
Robert Cohen's book,
Milk: The Deadly Poison, which is very well-documented with
scientific papers; or
Don't Drink Your Milk! : New Frightening Medical Facts About the World's Most Overrated Nutrient by Frank Oski, M.D.). Were it not for the effective
propaganda campaigns of the dairy lobby, this information
would have been integrated into our educational school
system long ago.
Milk, in particular, contains more than twenty-five different
proteins that may induce allergic reactions in humans. Dairy
products are connected to the development of cancer of the
immune system as a whole. The mutagenic activity of one enzyme
in milk ("X.O.") has been linked to our society's high
incidence of arteriosclerosis.
Because milk is high on the food chain, it contains inordinately
high levels of pesticides and other agricultural chemicals -- so
high, in fact, that the Environmental Defense Fund has advised
"women who expect to breast feed their babies to avoid meat...
and high-fat dairy products."
Dairy products are
often contaminated with salmonella, staphylococci,
E. coli and viruses that may cause leukemia. It is no wonder that
the nutritional authority, Dr. John A. McDougall, refers to milk
as "liquid meat." Our answer is Heaven On Earth,
a FAT FREE milk replacement dry mix that's delicious,
inexpensive, and easy to use ("just add water"). In deference
to our customer/friends in the diabetic community,
Heaven On Earth now uses fructose as its sole
sweetening agent. Enjoy!
INGREDIENTS: Tofu extract or soy protein isolate, fructose, carob powder (carob
version only), guar gum.
NUTRITION FACTS: See separate nutrition
facts sheet.
PACKAGING AVAILABILITY: Standard packaging is 12 oz., 5 lb., & 25 lb.
packages, but product can be sold to suit commercial, industrial, and private
label requests. (The picture at right shows 12 oz. and 5 lb. packaging.)
RECONSTITUTION RATIO: Approximately 12 oz. of the powdered mix makes
one gallon of product. The "Price Per Gallon" figures below use this
ratio to calculate the customer's cost on a "per gallon" basis.
Code |
Description |
Size |
Unit Price |
Price/Gal. |
Quantity |
Heaven on Earth
Milk Replacer