The Whole Earth Vegetarian Catalogue
Virtual Store

Ecartsoft This newest version of Lumen Foods' online store is divided into the product line categories below. Remember, if you experience any trouble using our Ecart store, just call our toll-free order line at (800) 256-2253 (U.S. and Canada) to place your order. Outside the U.S., use (337) 436-6748. In addition, we have an alternate methods of ordering page.
New customers please read our shipping policies.

Current Specials & New Products
New Overs & Unders Fines "Baby Nuggets"
Stonewalls Jerquee - 8 oz. Economy Paks

Our Best Selling Branded Products
Stonewall's Jerquee | Cajun Jerky Heartline Meatless Meats
Discounts available in Bulk quantity.

General & Introductory Pages Welcome Page (exit store) Contact Us
Shipping / Product Discount Policy How to Use

Meat & Milk Replacements
Soyfoods / Natural Preservatives / Etc.
Intro Sampler | Stonewall's Sampler | Veggie Meats
Snacks | Heartline Big Chunks | Bulk
Burger Mixes | Dairy-Free

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