" The more a society veers from the Truth, the more it will hate those who speak it. " ~~~ George Orwell
The late great Gregory James Caton was a whirlwind of love, light and pure passion.
He gave his soul and all of his knowledge to change the naturopathic world with the truth about healing the mind, body and soul. Combining everything that he had learned from transcendental meditation to sacred plant medicine to leave a mark that will never be forgotten. He was not only a healer but a father and loving husband.
He sacrificed everything to research the many therapies available to the people that
sought him out.
His life was devoted to the health and the return to happiness of others. This sacrifice took a toll that none of us expected. His endless search for healing knowledge and his passion for helping others will live on forever in all of our hearts.
There will never be another soul on earth like Greg Caton! I know, you've heard that cliche before, but it's true! From the moment I met he and Cathryn at the Whole Life Expo in Nashville, Tennessee in the early 90's, a soulful relationship began-a relationship that spun our souls beyond time and space-a trinity of three souls that I knew would last forever. Not only did Greg's magnetic energy permeate throughout every particle of space within me, it permeated throughout particle of space within the miles of Expo booths. From his genius, witty mind to his giving, loving heart, Greg's aura was bigger than life itself. It drew people into his web like no one else I've ever known.
As a few decades passed, our relationship grew deeper and deeper. And, even though we hadn't seen each other or spoken for quite some time-he was now living in Ecuador and I was mostly living on the island of Patmos in Greece, our souls remained intact. Again, no time or space between us.
A few weeks before Greg passed, my soul kept nudging me to call him and, so I did, but it went straight to voicemail. After a round of phone tags, and not having the conversation with Greg I was hoping to have about the revelations and visions I was being given about the New Earth and the end times we're living in, I received a call from Cathryn saying Greg was in intensive care. Needless to say, I WAS SHOCKED! Then days later, Cathryn called with the worst news ever; that Greg had passed. It was more than my soul could comprehend!
But then, as I was sitting in a very deep contemplative meditation about 24 hours later, Greg's spirit whispered in my ear that he was still going to be playing an integral part in preparing the way for the New Earth.
So, even though Greg is not here in physical form, he is with all of us in spirit. After all, there's only a thin veil between the physical and spiritual worlds.
I, like Greg, have been shown that the time has come to prepare our bodies, minds and souls for the shift of the ages-the shift from believing that we are merely a physical body to knowing that we are spirit and beyond; thus, preparing ourselves for the shift into the New Earth! If you were to just take a moment and sit quietly with this reality, Greg might just meet you there!
With all my Love,
Toni Toney
The SHIFT NOW Course
Tribute to Greg Caton - A Life of True Purpose
Greg is one of those special people who will never be duplicated. When God made him, they broke the mold! The world is not as good a place as it was when he was in it. I am missing him incredibly and it's still hard to believe he's transcended.
He was a brilliant and intelligent person. He could see many perspectives in a unique and perceptive way. He could analyze what's happening and see details most people don't see. He was incredibly smart!
He was passionate about humanity's future, something we both had in common. He was one of my favorite people to discuss the world situation with and I miss our conversations deeply. We solved the world's problems at least ten times over! If only world leaders were listening to us! Sometimes I still catch myself about to send him a message thinking, "I've GOT to hear what Greg would say about THIS!"
Greg saved my life with his products, something he paid dearly for to make available to the world. I will always be grateful to him for his fortitude, bravery and sacrifice to bring these things into the world, against all odds. He succeeded where other people would fail. Any other person would have given up long ago, but he knew his mission and lived his life with purpose, never faltering. He saved tens of thousands of lives with his creations, if not hundreds of thousands. He was a true gift to this world. He knew stuff that no one else could know, and a lot of it was given to him through divine introspection. He would then bring it into the world. He was a channel for divine manifestations and made countless lives better. We were lucky to have him here on Earth as long as he was here.
I still hear Greg's voice, gentle and kind. He was a good person and lived with intention to make the world a better place. He most certainly accomplished his goal! He was a voice for the oppressed and the silenced. He wasn't afraid to tell it like it is.
Greg was the first person I met in Ecuador when we were thinking about moving here. He made me feel comfortable with the idea of moving to Ecuador and showed me that it wasn't as hard as I thought it might be. He made me feel like the impossible was possible, and helped me in multitudes of ways to settle here. I will forever be grateful to him for that. He was a huge support and his friendship was precious to me. Life isn't the same without him here. I wish he was still here. He has now joined the angelic forces influencing us humans into a better future. Sometimes I feel his presence and he is still committed to humanity's evolution into the utopian future that is there for all of us if we choose to manifest it. He truly cared about humanity.
Greg was my good friend and we loved each other a lot. Happy journey to the stars my friend, and thank you for rooting for humanity from the other side. You really made a difference in this world, and in my life, more than you may ever know!
Christine Breese, Owner and founder Gaia Sagrada Retreat Center- Cuenca, Ecuador
Greg Caton, the cosmic healer
I knew Greg Caton for over 25 years, and across that entire time, he was diligently working to help uplift fellow human beings with knowledge of food, nutrition, herbs and self-healing. At his core, Greg has always been a seeker of truth, and he combined that with the courage to speak
the truth, even against powerful interests that wanted him silenced.
Like all truth seekers who achieve a measure of success, Greg was hounded by the corrupt State for daring to teach people how to save their own lives through the power of self-healing. Despite the obstacles thrown in his way, Greg was hugely successful at spreading advanced knowledge and conducting more research to discover and share new solutions for humanity.
"Humanitarian" is truly the right term to describe Greg Caton, in my view. He was 100% pro-human, pro-knowledge and pro-truth through his entire journey in this realm, and he also knew that this plane of existence was just a testing ground, with far more important work to be done on the other side, in a truly cosmic context.
No doubt, the immortal soul of Greg Caton is pursuing that work right now, applying everything he learned from his time on planet Earth ... a time during which we were all blessed with his presence, his spirit and his courage. I feel blessed to have known Greg Caton in this time, and I realize the best way we can honor his gifts for humanity is to carry on with his work of universal enlightenment and the pursuit of truth.
We traditionally say something like, "Greg Caton will be missed," when someone of his enormous impact passes from this realm, but in this case, it somehow doesn't seem to capture the greater truth. Greg Caton is STILL WITH US, and we shall all see him again in due time because his spirit is eternal and his contributions are unbounded. Greg has woven his intentions for healing and knowledge into the very fabric of this plane of existence. He has made a positive impact on a cosmic scale, and I have a feeling that his real work has only just begun.
See you in time, Greg.
- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, founder of NaturalNews.com and
My wife Spice Williams-Crosby (actress/stuntwoman/martial artist/doctor) and I, Gregory Crosby (co-writer/producer of the blockbuster feature film HACKSAW RIDGE nominated for 6 Academy Awards including Best Picture, directed by Mel Gibson), are deeply saddened by the passing of Greg Caton, a true genius in his own right. We will greatly miss his presence and loving nature, yet we rejoice that he has changed his physical address for a spiritual one.
It was in the late 80's that we actually met Greg. Spice and I were producing a huge annual Christmas event called the POWER SOURCE DAY for 125 severally abused, abandoned, and neglected children who became wards of the court. It was always a wonderful day for those kids who got to meet and spend a day with 75 very famous celebrities, eating, singing, dancing, watching a spectacular stunt show, conversing, and ultimately opening tons of presents with Santa Claus himself. This 13-year event always required feeding over 500 people, and we were always in need of inexpensive yet delicious, nutritious, and easy-to-cook food. It was then that one of our vegan friends mentioned we should try calling Lumen Foods who might be able to help with some kind of a donation. So, we did just that, and it was Greg who picked up the phone. We explained what we were doing, and after a short pause, Greg said "How much do you need and when?" He not only went on to donate hundreds of pounds of meatless meats each year, but also hundreds of bags of his delicious meatless jerky. I remember one year we decided to make vegan chili with his ground beef-flavored meat and it was a huge success! Well, this led to a 30-year relationship that still goes on to this day, and we continue to love his beautiful wife Cathryn and son Myron so much!
Eventually, Spice and I went into business with Greg and Cathryn creating our own line of vegan products called Spice of Life Meatless Meats & Jerky (spice-of-life.com), which today still serves so many folks across the nation. And I might mention as a holistic doctor, my wife has continued to use Greg and Cathryn's company herbhealers.com and their line of amazing products to help heal her patients who are dealing with life-threatening conditions.
Our love, friendship, and respect for Greg and his family is eternal. And please brother Greg, "reserve a seat for us in Heaven."
Gregory Crosby
Co-Writer/Producer HACKSAW RIDGE
Doing God's work through Books, Movies, TV, and Social Media
Cell: 818.335.1821
I never thought I'd be writing something like this for Greg but here I sit doing just that.
I met Greg by chance at a lunch I was invited to by a very close mutual friend. When I joined the table there was no eye contact or reaction at all, it was if I didn't exist. Our mutual friend eventually got around to introducing us and we exchanged the usual mundane words people say to each other mostly out of courtesy.
It wasn't until our friend in common mentioned that I was in the field of natural medicine that he truly took notice of me. I had no idea he shared the same passion and had made a successful career of it himself. With that one piece of information now out on the table we sparked a genuine conversation and our friendship was born. Not long after he graciously invited me to his home for lunch and I eagerly accepted due to the fact I thought Greg was an intriguing and fascinating human
being. Upon arriving at his home, I was given the tour which ended in his home office and there I stood in awe of his sprawling library which consumed the length of the room. I was like a kid in a candy store due the fact it was the largest accumulation of eclectic titles I had ever had the privilege of beholding. Without permission I immediately began inspecting what I can only describe as a treasure trove of forbidden knowledge. I immediately identified 2 titles written by the same author who shall remain anonymous considering the controversial subject matter that I had previously owned when I was in high school.
Greg was elated when I removed them off the shelf for closer inspection. Without my knowledge Greg took both the titles, had them reprinted and presented them to me as gifts. Thats the kind of man Greg was he was truly a kindred spirit and will live on in my heart and soul until I myself
solve the great mystery. The only regret I have is I am certain that given more time with him he would have continued to mold me into a better human being. Greg, I know you can hear me when I say this. Although with your passing I feel as if a limb has been cut from my body, I will celebrate the memory of our time together on a daily basis.
Micheal O'Lea
Founder & Co Owner of Opus CBD
True masters are those who've chosen to make a life rather than a living.
Your life has nothing to do with you. It is about everyone whose life you touch and how you touch it.
When I think of Greg, these two quotes come to mind (from Neale Donald Walsch) I have personally seen how Greg touched the lives of many with his above and beyond approach to healing. While that loss to the world leaves big shoes to fill, my loss is more personal. I have lost a friend, a confidant, and a co-conspirator in the understanding of the world we live in.
I will miss the time we had together, the conversations and concepts that were discussed with intelligence and forethought. New concepts in healing and how to realize their potential in an incredibly difficult business environment. And laughter, a lot of laughter, we had some good laughs and that in itself is more than priceless.
I know that Greg has moved on to the proverbial better place and for that i am happy. For my personal loss and that of his family and other close friends, i am sad. We are in times that Greg's voice would have lent a mark of sanity to an insane world.
I am proud and honored to have been friends with Greg and invite everyone to revisit the works he left behind in his books and videos and healing products. His voice is still a guiding light for us all.
Ken Regan, Owner Tienda Nectar - Cuenca, Ecuador
January (2020)
Perhaps it's coincidental, but there has been a barrage of
anti-"Black Salve" articles and actions on the part of Facebook, Google, and YouTube, since the
publication of my book, Black Salve, last summer. I've written a detailed rebuttal on this
and five other inaccurate, biased studies, articles, and even a TV program.
These and other glaring items of official, orthodox medical mendacity,
of which CoVid is only the latest example, are covered in a January, 2020 article I've written called,
Official Medical "Science" in Retreat.
June (2019)
Black Salve
Ecuador, June 12, 2019 --
After 30 years of working with escharotics, I decided to put together
a comprehensive "how to" book, detailing how to properly use this
valuable healing compound. Unlike previous books, I don't get into
the "politics of cancer" or, more generally speaking, the current
state of medicine. The focus here is practical usage, although
page-for-page, the appendices make up the majority of the book, for
those who want more detailed information.
 The book includes a detailed
pictorial description of the escharotic process, practical
instructions, updated information on pain management, veterinary
guidelines, and advice on internal cancers. Three chapters are included
from Meditopia that
accentuate certain points from the body of the book. Additionally, there
is an updated FAQ (frequently asked question) section as an appendix that
deals primarily with more in-depth questions.
 The book is now available on this
site's order form.
The beginning of the book, including Table of Contents, Forwards,
Introduction and Chapter One are
reviewable here as an introduction [PDF].
September 21, 2019 -- At the request of
Alpha Omega Labs' customers, I've put together
a series of instructional videos
on various products, healing compounds, traditions, my books, and related topics.
July (2018)
Ecuador, July 2, 2018 -- The paperback version of
my latest book, Living on the Precipice: Global Corruption, the Supremacy of "Fake," and
Reflections on Near-Term Human Extinction is now in publication. It is available, both
on HerbHealers and
this site's store. (See complete
final cover with book description.)
 Drawing from online essays and various postings
made from 1996 to 2018, the book covers the most serious issues currently confronting
humanity and the world at large.
 I've received numerous requests to discuss
the particulars of my previous book, The Joys of Psychopathocracy (2017).
Requests for complementary books for review by interviewers and their producers
should be made to: joys@gregcaton.com.
December (2017)
Ecuador, December 2, 2017 -- My latest book,
The Joys of Psychopathocracy: Why Criminality Is Essential To Effective Modern
Government / Our Rebirth In The Wake of Their Destruction of Our World, is
currently available from Amazon,
as well as our own online stores,
HerbHealers.com and
storefronts -- (the former for orders in the U.S. and Canada; the latter for orders to all other countries).
The book is also available on Amazon.
I have prepared a special announcement to friends and associates
in conjunction with its release.
 Beautifully illustrated by world renowned illustrator and graphic
designer, David Dees,
the book uses an original approach to social structural analysis to
conclusively demonstrate that Government, regardless of structure or type, is inherently criminal --
a defect that no amount of tinkering or reorganization can change. The current global super-structure
of interlocking governments and NGO's -- the most extensive in recorded history -- is the single
largest contributor to the Holocene Extinction Event which is currently in progress.
A point of no return has been crossed such that the current trend cannot be reversed.
This is causing some serious researchers to subscribe to the idea that we are
facing near-term human extinction (NTE) in a relatively few number of years in
the face of the ongoing, documentable collapse of habitat.
 The book ends with a discussion of a coming Event
that will serve to change the world for those who seek an escape. The opening of the book up to and including
the introduction is now available as a free read.