About Us
Natura Scio was founded in 2006 to bring together several related preservation technologies. The common threads behind the underlying processes were their properties: ecological soundness, cost effectiveness, and the employment of proprietary processes that had been overlooked by other developers of functional, preservative material for industry.
We offer the broadest range of preservative solutions -- in the broadest range of conceivable substrates spanning foods, beverages, forest products and metals.
Our products are tried and true. Email us today or call us, to discuss your preservation challenges. Let us show you how to solve them more effectively and less expensively.
Administrative Contacts:
Greg Caton
Founder / President

Dr. N. Solomon
VP, Research

Santiago Chavez
Director, Human Resources

Natura Scio
Casilla 09-04-99 P
Guayaquil, ECUADOR
Office Line: (305) 851-2308
Fax Line: (888) 450-7909

© 2006-2008 naturascio.com -- Lake Charles, LA. All rights reserved. No portion of this web site can be reproduced in any form without the express permission of Herbologics, S.A.
