Mar 01, 2025
Greg Caton

March 2025 Newsletter


We are excited to share the collection of Greg Caton's Books, along with our dear friends and colleagues books, in the hopes that their writings will find the right reader in need of their knowledge.

The late great Gregory James Caton was a whirlwind of love, light and pure passion. He gave his soul and all of his knowledge to change the naturopathic world with the truth about healing the mind, body and soul. Combining everything that he had learned from transcendental meditation to sacred plant medicine to leave a mark that will never be forgotten. He was not only a healer but a father and loving husband.

He sacrificed everything to research the many therapies available to the people that sought him out.

His life was devoted to the health and the return to happiness of others. This sacrifice took a toll that none of us expected. His endless search for healing knowledge and his passion for helping others will live on forever in all of our hearts.

June (2019)

Black Salve

Ecuador, June 12, 2019 --After 30 years of working with escharotics, We decided to put together a comprehensive "how to" book, detailing how to properly use this valuable healing compound. Unlike previous books, I don't get into the "politics of cancer" or, more generally speaking, the current state of medicine. The focus here is practical usage, although page-for-page, the appendices make up the majority of the book, for those who want more detailed information.

The book includes a detailed pictorial description of the escharotic process, practical instructions, updated information on pain management,veterinary guidelines, and advice on internal cancers. Three chapters are included from Meditopia that accentuate certain points from the body of the book. Additionally, there is an updated FAQ (frequently asked question) section as an appendix that deals primarily with more in-depth questions.

The book is now available on this site's order form. The beginning of the book, including Table of Contents, Forwards, Introduction and Chapter One are reviewable here as an introduction

July (2018)

Ecuador, July 2, 2018 -- The paperback version of my latest book, Living on the Precipice: Global Corruption, the Supremacy of "Fake," and Reflections on Near-Term Human Extinction is now in publication. It is available, both on HerbHealers and this site's store. (See complete final cover with book description.)

Drawing from online essays and various postings made from 1996 to 2018, the book covers the most serious issues currently confronting humanity and the world at large.

December (2017)

Ecuador, December 2, 2017 --His latest book, The Joys of Psychopathocracy: Why Criminality Is Essential To Effective Modern Government / Our Rebirth In The Wake of Their Destruction of Our World Beautifully illustrated by world renowned illustrator and graphic designer, David Dees, the book uses an original approach to social structural analysis to conclusively demonstrate that Government, regardless of structure or type, is inherently criminal -- a defect that no amount of tinkering or reorganization can change.

The current global super-structure of interlocking governments and NGO's - the most extensive in recorded history - is the single largest contributor to the Holocene Extinction Event which is currently in progress. A point of no return has been crossed such that the current trend cannot be reversed.

This is causing some serious researchers to subscribe to the idea that we are facing near-term human extinction (NTE) in a relatively few number of years in the face of the ongoing, documentable collapse of habitat. The book ends with a discussion of a coming Event that will serve to change the world or those who seek an escape.

We would also like to share these two books that we have personally chosen for our customers. Both authors have been close friends of Greg and I for many years.

(1) Sure You Wanna Live Cus Dyin's Easier

Author: Spice Williams Crosby

In today's world, it takes a hell of a lot of effort to stay healthy and keep your body in good shape. In this compelling book, Dr. Spice Williams-Crosby provides many of the answers about prolonging life and the cause of the demise of our foods, soil, atmosphere, and the increase in the vaccinations of children, and the subsequent increase of ADHD and autism. She further explores the reasons we have AIDS, cancer, and heart disease. She reviews Candida Albicans, the symptoms it can cause, and what to do for it. She teaches how the body works, what nutrients and foods are needed to stay well, and how to cleanse the toxins from the tissues of the body. Overall, she has provided readers with a healthcare manual that they can follow throughout life to improve their health and well-being. This book clearly provides a foundational study for all students in the natural healthcare field and is jam-packed with the info you won't get from your conventional doctor.

(2) New Earth Prophecies

Author: Toni Toney

From the moment Greg and I met Toni at the Whole Life Expo in Nashville, Tennessee in the early 90's she, being an Aries, was more like Greg than anyone I had ever known! Greg and Toni had similar goal. the most important one, as I see it, is to help people get their physical bodies ready for the shift of the ages-the shift into the New Earth-a way to shift us out of the third dimensional physical reality into the fifth dimensional spiritual reality and beyond! She has been living off and on in Greece on the island of Patmos over the last 10 years where St. John wrote the end time book of Revelation. While meditating in the Cave of the Apocalypse, Toni was shown that the physical body is the book of seven seals to be opened in the last days and was given seven keys that would open them! Thus, preparing our physical bodies for the shift of the ages!

(3) THE HOLISTIC APPROACH TO CANCER:Empower Your Medical Treatment with Mindset, Nutrition, Detox, and Exercise Strategies to Achieve a Better Outcome Kindle Edition


Do you face the overwhelming fear of cancer? Are you uncertain about how to navigate its challenges?Cancer presents itself as a formidable enemy, instilling feelings of powerlessness and despair. Yet, amidst this struggle, you are not alone.There is a growing community of people who have successfully integrated holistic practices into their medical treatment, reclaiming control over their health and well-being.

"The Holistic Approach to Cancer" empowers you to complement your medical treatment with holistic strategies, enhancing your journey towards positive outcomes.

Thank you,

Cathryn Caton, N.D.
Alpha Omega Labs

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