April 01, 2024
Greg Caton

April 2024 Newsletter


We are best known for our salves and their ancient medicinal properties. These salves, as many of you know, unmask diseased cells to your immune system, that then allow your immune system to identify and remove them from your body. The entire process is mediated by your immune system producing an escharotic reaction.

This process is an impressive combination of the power of our own immune system and the miracle alkaloids that mother nature bestowed on each medicinal herb that makes up our salves. The following links describe the different ingredients and uses for our salves:




Each one of these medicinal herbs has amazing properties that we thought you would appreciate greatly. Each one is indicated in different pathologies and conditions. There is a word that will be repeated multiple times when referring to these medicinal herbs and that is: immune modulating. Immune modulating is defined as a substance or alkaloid that can activate the immune system to identify and remove diseased cells from the body. The salves react to some "other" pathologies, please see: http://www.altcancer.com/cansema_other.htm We invite you to read over the informational links below about each one of these amazing native medicinal herbs:

GRAVIOLA: (Annona muricata)

Blood purification for cancer, diabetic and heart disease patients (called "Guanabana" in Ecuador) has been well-publicized for its anti-cancer properties. We first reported on it in 2001 when the Health Sciences Institute ran an article entitled, "Billion-dollar drug company nearly squashes astonishing research on natural cancer killer." (Note: it is the position of orthodox medicine that graviola has no proven anti-cancer properties. Our position is neutral, and we merely report the ethnobotanical use of the product and the findings of independent researchers.)

CHAPARRAL: (Larrea divaricata)

Herpes Virus (All Types), Arthritis, Rheumatism The entire Larrea genus is extraordinarily hardy, living in harsh desert climates for up to 12,000 years. Undoubtedly, indigenous peoples much have deduced its extraordinarily medicinal properties after observing that, unlike other plants, Larrea doesn't have any predators. Its massive array of protective phytochemicals (primarily lignans and flavonoids) keeps away viruses, bacteria, fungi, competitor plants, insects, and rodents. The only exception are small lizards, which eat the flowers when in bloom.

BLOODROOT: (Sanguinaria canadensis)

Bloodroot has long been known for its strong medicinal properties, especially with respect to its curative action in treating a wide variety of skin disorders. It is beyond the scope of this page to give a complete history of bloodroot's use, but suffice to say that affect on ordinary moles (non-cancerous) and warts is well-documented. We have prepared a special bloodroot paste which can use self-administered to successfully treat these skin conditions.


We feel that an aggressive substitute -- one that a local practitioner has had enormous success with -- is a 50 / 50 blend of oleander (Nerium oleander) and graviola (Annona muricata).This formula is very concentrated. Regular practitioners who have experience in working with Anvirzel (oleander extract) should use the same protocols in working with this product -- whose primary component is a well-established killer of human cancer cells. If you want to make your own oleander extract, read Tony Isaac's book: Cancer's Natural Enemy. If you want a laboratory version that has the added strength of both oleader and graviola, order this product.

All of you who have reached out to us over the last year and half have helped us continue on Greg's journey of healing others.

Cathryn Caton, N.D.
September 5, 2013
Updated: June 25, 2015
Updated: Jun 19, 2021

Disclaimer: The information above is provided by Alpha Omega Labs and reflects the personal history of its founder Greg Caton and his opinions. The information provided in no way negates the valuable information that a qualified physicians provides you.

Discount Codes April 2024
Use the following Discount Code on the checkout page of
either of our web stores to get the indicated discount on your product purchase.
Only one discount code per tranaction. Does not apply to Specials, discounted bundels ,transfer factors, essential oils and tinctures.
20APR24 = 20% ON
Questions? : Write to us at support@herbhealers.com

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© 2020 Herbologics, Ltd. Miami, Florida All rights reserved. This page initially posted : 01 April 2024.