"Impossible Advice"
A Rebuttal to the Zone Diet
On June 9, 1997, I met Barry Sears,
the author of the number one national best seller, Enter the Zone,
at Bally's in Las Vegas for the first of our 3 debates (see page 7 for
more information). After telling a crowd of nearly 4,000 people the virtues
of his diet for controlling insulin and eicosanoid levels with resulting
weight loss and improved health, I proceeded to explain why his diet is
merely a semi-starvation diet and like all such diets it is impossible to
follow for any length of time. I used Barry Sears as an example:
Barry Sears weighs 210 pounds and
is 6'5" according to information from his book. His diet is based on 30%
of the calories from protein, 30% fat, and 40% carbohydrate. He says he eats
100 grams of protein a day. He has been following his diet for 4-5 years.
He says he is still on his diet because he still needs to lose more weight.
If Barry Sears eats 100 grams of protein
that translates into 400 calories of protein (1 gram of protein = 4 calories).
Since the proportions of the diet are 30/30/40, this means he also consumes
400 calories of fat, and about 500 calories of carbohydrate. His total calorie
intake is, therefore, 1,300 calories per day. A conservative estimate of his
actual needs would be over 2,300 calories a day, with only sedentary activity.
This means every day he is 1,000 calories short of his needs. Every week he
comes up 7000 calories short, which must be made up from his fat stores.
One pound of fat amounts
to 3,500 calories. Therefore, Barry Sears must lose 2 pounds of fat a week on
his diet. Every year by calculation he loses 104 pounds. Since he says he
has been on his diet for 4 to 5 years this means he has lost over 400
pounds. At this point in the debate I asked him, "Barry Sears: A) Did you start
your diet at over 600 pounds? B) Do you defy the laws of nature? or C) Is it
thatyou cannot and do not follow your own diet?"
Like all calorie restricted diets,
the Zone diet is next to impossible to follow for very long because it hurts to
be hungry. His program is also impossible because the dietary rules are complicated
and foods recommended are unhealthy and unappealing. Coincidentally the June
issue (6/2000) of Prevention Magazine came to the same conclusions. They made up
a day in the Zone for their article. The meals consisted of 6 egg whites, ½ cantaloupe,
1 kiwifruit, and 3 macadamia nuts for breakfast, Lunch served 3 oz. of
skinless white chicken, 1 cup each of steamed asparagus, broccoli, green
beans, and 1 tsp of olive oil. Dinner was 3 oz. of turkey breast salad, 4
cups of spinach, 3 cups of cucumber slices, 2 tomatoes, and 1 tsp. of olive
oil. Afternoon snack was ¼ cup of low-fat cottage cheese, ½ medium pear,
and 3 olives. Evening snack was ¼ cup egg substitute (scrambled), 1 medium plum,
½ tsp. natural peanut butter. This provided 1,209 calories, 110 grams of
protein (37%), and 646 mg of calcium. The authors of this article asked "How
long could you eat this way?"
During the next round of the debate I pointed
out that Barry Sears had not answered my question. Therefore, I must assume he cannot
and does not follow his own diet. He admits to only 35 pounds of weight loss over the
past 4 years (less than 9 pounds a year), therefore, he must be consuming at least
2300 calories a day. This leaves two possibilities: If he is following his rule that
to be in "the zone" you must adhere to proportions of 30/30/40; then based on a 2300
calorie intake he must be eating 173 grams of protein and 77 grams of fat daily
(1 gram of protein = 4 calories and 1 gram of fat = 9 calories). Therefore, he must
be in a high-protein, high-fat zone. However, he admits to eating only 44 grams of
fat a day, so the next possibility is more likely.
If he follows his rule that he eats a specific
amount of protein daily to be in "the zone" and for him that's 100 grams of protein
a day; then based on 2,300 calories of a day his diet would be 17% protein, 17% fat
and 66% carbohydrate, which would place him in a high-carbohydrate zone.
My next question to him was, "Barry ... please
tell us -- are you on a high-protein (Atkins-Type) diet or are you on a
high-carbohydrate (McDougall-Type) diet?" He still wouldn't answer. He finally
said something about not being interested in weight loss, but was really trying to
protect himself from heart disease, since he has a strong family history.
The Heart Disease Zone
Seems kind of strange to think of a diet
centered around beef, pork, lamb, chicken, eggs, bacon shrimp, lobster, and
cheese as preventing heart disease. But, Sears reasons that too much insulin
production by the body is the primary culprit for causing heart disease,
and the Zone diet will control insulin and prevent heart disease. He feels so
strongly about this that he claims in his book that a very low-cholesterol,
low-fat diet will actually cause heart disease. After looking over Dr. Dean
Ornish's research he concludes, "My guess is that the people who stay on his
(Ornish's) program will ultimately have more heart attacks, more strokes,
and a higher cardiovascular death rate than the dropouts."
He bases this on the fact that
"good" HDL-cholesterol went down in Ornish's patients and triglycerides went
up. During the debate I pointed out to him that Ornish had corrected him over
a year ago, by providing him the data showing his patients on a
high-carbohydrate diet had a 50% decrease in risk of cardiovascular deaths.
Sears admitted his error to Dr. Ornish and promised to make corrections in
his book, but has not. On a healthy low-fat, low-cholesterol diet "good"
HDL-cholesterol goes down because all fractions of cholesterol go down. Worldwide
the lowest incidence of heart disease is found where people eat the lowest
cholesterol diets and also have the lowest HDL-cholesterol levels (2:367, 1981).
Feeding cholesterol raises HDL-cholesterol
(N Engl J med 325:1704, 1991). A long-term study of patients on a high-carbohydrate
diet showed less risk of death from heart disease compared to those on the American
diet (JAMA 173:884, 1960).
More Zone Nonsense
Barry Sears makes numerous statements
in his books and at public appearances that are incorrect, and I believe he is
well aware of the inaccuracies, but refuses to correct them. Much of this same
misinformation is used by promoters of other high-protein diets.
Examples include: Fat
Doesn't Cause Obesity.
Sears: Eating fat doesn't make you fat. We are consuming less fat than 10
years ago and getting fatter, therefore dietary fat cannot be the culprit.
Truth: We are consuming the same amount (actually a little more) of fat now
than before. But, in addition, we are consuming over 250 more calories of
refined flours and sugars over the past 15 years. Because of the added
refined carbohydrates, the percent of fat in the diet has gone down between
1980 and 1990 (men 38% to 34%, women 37% to 34%), but the actual amount
(grams) of fat consumed has remained the same (men 99.8 to 98.8, women 62.6
to 67.8), and the diet American diet now has more calories (men 2,457 to
2,684, women 1,531 to 1,805). The reason for the rise in obesity is no
mystery--Americans eat a high-calorie, high-fat diet.
Carbohydrates Increase Heart Disease.
Sears: A high-carbohydrate diet for cardiovascular patients may be dangerous
to their health. Experiments show high carbohydrate diets increase the risk
factors for heart disease, by raising cholesterol and triglycerides, and
lowering HDL-cholesterol. Truth: You can design such experiments to show
triglycerides go up by feeding refined carbohydrates to subjects, and by
overfeeding subjects (cholesterol still goes down and I explained the
effect on HDL-cholesterol above). When subjects are allowed to eat only until
they are full (not force-fed) their cholesterol level falls, their triglyceride
levels don't go up significantly, and they lose weight (JAMA 274:1450, 1995).
A study of 1250 of my patients shows triglyceride levels decrease an average
of 10 mg/dl, and people who start with levels over 600 mg/dl have a 311 mg/dl
reduction in 11 days. Therefore, eating as much as you want (but not more
than you want) of a healthy low-fat, no-cholesterol diet lowers three
important risk factors for heart disease--cholesterol, triglycerides and
body weight.
Rice Means More Heart Disease.
Sears: The Chinese are an example of how people on a high carbohydrate diet
(rice) are as likely to have heart disease as Americans. Using the American
Heart Association data, he points out, Urban Chinese have almost as much
cardiovascular disease as in the U.S. Truth: Cardiovascular disease is not
the same as heart disease. In China, half of this cardiovascular disease is
represented by strokes (from old age and high-salt diets), less than one-third
is due to heart attacks (ischemic heart disease). In the U.S. nearly two-thirds
of the cardiovascular disease is due to heart attacks (and one-sixth is due
to strokes). Besides, the 1993 figures he uses reflects the modern Chinese diet,
which much higher in fat and cholesterol than a few years back, especially for
those people in the cities (urban).
Fat Improves Athletic Performance.
Sears: Athletes perform better on a high-fat diet. A high carbohydrate diet
is overrated for elite athletes. A high-carbohydrate diet actually limits
the performance of highly trained endurance athletes. Truth: Carbohydrate,
not fat, is the primary fuel for exercise at or above 70% of aerobic capacity,
the intensity at which most people train and compete. Fat only becomes available
for fuel after 20 minutes of exercise; therefore most people never exercise enough
to lose body fat. Almost every study of trained athletes shows carbohydrate fed
before and during the event improves an athlete's performance. Carbohydrate fed
after the event replenishes the athlete's glycogen stores for the next race.
Keeping Correct Insulin Levels.
Sears: Reaching "the Zone" requires precise control of the protein-to-carbohydrate
ratio. Protein counteracts the carbohydrates you eat to keep insulin levels in
balance. High levels of insulin generated by too much carbohydrate drive you out of
"the Zone." Truth: There is no evidence that eating equal amounts of protein and
carbohydrate at every meal, as Sears suggests, lowers insulin. According to
Dr. Gerald Raven from Stanford University, "Protein--when eaten alone--increases
insulin secretion. I see no reason in the world why it would be any different if
protein were eaten with carbohydrate" (Nutrition Action Newsletter Jul/Aug 1996).
A study from the Lancet found beef fed with glucose raised insulin levels twice as
high as glucose alone and four-times as high as beef alone. The authors concluded,
"Ingestion of glucose plus protein is followed by a very large increment in
plasma-insulin, of such a magnitude as to suggest synergism between glucose with
aminoacid (protein) with respect to insulin release." (Lancet 2:454, 1966). The diet
fed these subjects met the zone specifications of 30/30/40 for ideal an
protein-to-carbohydrate ratio: 27% protein / 30% fat / 43% carbohydrate.
A study of adult-type diabetics, people
with insulin resistance, and normal people found 3-weeks of a high-carbohydrate,
low-fat diet and exercise lowered insulin levels significantly
(Am J Cardiol 69:440, 1992).
Ecosanoids are the Key.
Sears: Eicosanoids are the body's super-hormones. Virtually every disease
state--whether it be heart disease, cancer, obesity or autoimmune diseases,
like arthritis and multiple sclerosis--can be viewed as an imbalance of
eicosanoids. To keep the eicosanoids in a healthy balance you need to eat
three grams of protein for every four grams of carbohydrate. Truth: Sears
bases his whole diet theory on these hormones, yet he has never measured the
eicosanoid levels in people--so he really doesn't know the response to his diet.
Gerald Raven of Stanford says, "I find it hard to swallow that anyone could really
believe eicosanoids are the key to all health and disease"
(Tufts U Diet & Nutrition Newsletter, May 1996).
William Evans, Ph.D, director of the Noll
Physiological Research Center at Penn State University says, "There aren't any studies
that I'm familiar with that suggest they're dangerous in any way. Anyone who tries to
sell diet as the key to stemming 'bad' eicosanoids is capitalizing on an unfounded
idea" - (same Tufts Newsletter).
What to Tell Your Friends.
"You can burn more fat watching TV than by exercising" and "...many people
following high-carbohydrate diets might just as well be eating candy bars"
are some of the ridiculous statements found in Sears' book and people still
want to believe him; therefore, it seems like an impossible task to try to help those
friends and family members who are attracted by "high-protein diet preachers."
Try to get them see the big picture. If carbohydrates were bad for people
then the Japanese living in Japan on a rice-based diet would be fat and
sickly. When they moved to the U.S. and switched to a lower-carbohydrate,
higher-fat and -protein diet they would become thinner and healthier.
The truth is the Japanese are among the
slimmest, most energetic, longest lived, healthiest people on earth. Furthermore,
they take on common American diseases when they change to the American diet.
If high-protein diets, which means meat, egg, and dairy products, were so good for
us then people who subsist on these foods (most Americans) would be the thin and
healthy, and vegetarians would be fat and sick. In general, the opposite is the case.
Along this same line of thinking, ask your friends
to closely observe the personal appearance of these experts making all these dietary
recommendations. You will be struck by how fat and sickly most of them look.
From where I stand, I must conclude that they do eat high-protein foods and
lots of them. In the long run these controversial diets are extremely important
(even though some people get hurt along the way). The worst thing that can happen
to the truth is for people to show no interest. This high-protein craze has
made the country's top doctors, dietitians, nutritionists, sports experts,
and other scientists closely examine the scientific research on nutrition
and health. Almost every article on the subject these days brings up the
damaging effects of protein on bone health leading to osteoporosis. Before
this controversy all they would talk about is the need for calcium. The harm
from eating refined foods, and sugars in all forms of the very popular
nonfat cookies and cakes is now being emphasized. Soon the pendulum will
swing back to a high carbohydrate, vegetarian diet and hopefully more people
will make this their lifestyle as the truth becomes more widespread.