Biotech Holds The Solution
to Africa's Food Woes
The New Technology, By Deliverying Virus-Resistant Crops,
Is Starting To Provide Food Security for Africa
By Dennis T. Avery of the
Hudson Institute
CHURCHVILLE,Va.-Florence Wambugu spent 10 years at the Kenya
Agricultural Research Institute trying to breed higher-yielding
sweet potatoes.
She used conventional
plant breeding methods and got nowhere.
Then she got the chance
to take her knowledge of African sweet potatoes to a First World
biotech laboratory.
The collaboration
produced African sweet potatoes that resist the "feathery mottle"
virus-thus yielding 20 percent to 80 percent more food. This one
breakthrough will improve food security and health for millions
of African families.
Who would fund such an
important, farsighted humanitarian effort?
It was, in fact, the
U.S. Agency for International Development and the Monsanto Co.,
the St. Louis agriculture technology company supposedly trying
to force European housewives to buy genetically based
"Frankenstein foods."
Now comes the real kicker. The
virus-resistant strain of sweet potatoes developed in Monsanto's
Life Sciences Research Center are still awaiting biosafety permits
for field trials in Kenya. Meanwhile, the environmental group
Greenpeace promotes a global ban on biotechnology in food.
Some days, I despair of
those rich First Worlders-people with access to grocery stores
overflowing with safe, inexpensive, high-tech food-who recommend
low-yield farming to people still trying to stave off malnutrition.
At its essence,
Greenpeace's self-serving and anti-conservationist campaign to ban
biotechnology in food comes down to this: Europe, which has a food
surplus, is trying to scare Africa into banning a technology
that could save millions of lives and huge tracts of wildlife.
Africa is still the world's
poorest continent, struggling to generate enough good government
and economic productivity to provide such modern basics such as
adequate food, clean water and literacy to a still-growing
Most of Africa's countries
have 25 percent to 75 percent of their populations living on less
than $1 a day. It's also the only continent where the human
population may double. The current level is around 750 million.
Low-crop yields and food
insecurity play a large role in Africa's problems. The poorest,
hungriest people in the world also have the most births, apparently
an instinctive reaction to the threat of extinction.
British economist Tim Dyson
recently projected an African food shortfall of nearly 90 million
tons a year by 2025 unless the continent's food yields begin climbing
Africa is unlikely to have
the cash to import much food, so the likely alternative will be
clearing more wildlife habitat for low-yield crops.
Because the continent's
grain yields are so low, Africa would have to clear 70 million
hectares (172.9 million acres) of forest and savanna-the land
area of the entire country of Zambia. Africa averages about
1.7 tons of corn per hectare, compared with a world average
of 4.1 tons.
One of the biggest
corn-growing problems is the maize streak virus. Researchers are
trying to genetically engineer corn varieties that can resist
the virus. Conventional plant breeding has never overcome
a viral disease, but biotech has already done it in sweet potatoes,
rice and bananas.
This summer's Southern
African economic summit examined the potential of virus-resistant
corn and potatoes, borer-resistant sugar cane and fungus-resistant
varieties of corn and fruit. Drought-prone Africa is even more
interested in the potential for genetically engineering
drought-tolerant crops.
Historically, the acid soils
of Africa have been a major stumbling block to higher yields,
cutting crop yields by up to 80 percent. Genetically engineered
acid-soil crops could radically alter Africa's crop-production
And that brings us back
to Kenya's Florence Wambugu.
"Local farmers are benefiting
from tissue-culture technologies for banana, sugar cane, pyrethrum,
cassava and other crops," she points out. "There is every reason
to believe they will also benefit from the crop-protection
transgenic technologies in the pipeline."
There is, she says,
"the potential to double African production if viral diseases
are controlled using transgenic technology."
Greenpeace might also
want to listen to Muffy Koch, South Africa's director of innovation
Discussing biotech fields
she has visited, Koch observes that "bird species that hadn't
been seen in years" are reappearing in fields that no longer
have to be chemically sprayed. That's just one example of why
Africa needs biotech food crops.
Provided to Lumen Foods
by and with the permission of author Dennis T. Avery.
Mr. Avery is based in Churchville, Va., and is director of
global food issues for the Hudson Institute of Indianapolis.